The History of the Little White Rabbit Being Thrown Chapter 15

Chapter 15 further (2)

Her little hands grabbed his front, half lying in his arms, her little mouth slightly opened to supplement the lack of oxygen in her chest. His big palm patted her back lightly, like a fragile doll. Occasionally curling a strand of hair between the fingers to play with. The breeze crossed the balcony, blowing the veil and dancing, blowing an ambiguous atmosphere in the room.

He picked up an orange from the fruit plate, peeled it carefully, nibbled a piece and fed it into the slightly open mouth, playfully licked her teeth. The more he played, the more addicted he became, and he fed an orange into his cute little mouth in such a tempting way.

He sat up the baby, and said in her ear with a pitiful and sexy tone: "Xiaobao, your little mouth has eaten all the oranges, but brother also feels very thirsty?"

Only then did Mo Xin's face cool down a little, and it turned red in a flash, like boiled shrimp.

"Then, then I'll peel it off for you."

Tian Lei's powerful big hand pressed the small hand that was about to take the orange, and shook his head slightly, the wolf's eyes were shining with evil light.

"Xiaobao, do you still remember the movie we watched that day?"

That was the first movie she watched in a theater in 18 years. Her excitement and satisfaction that day are still fresh in her memory. How could she forget, and how could she forget that beauty. She nodded firmly.

He moved his lips to her ear, and said evil words in a gentle voice: "Then baby, do you still remember the last scene of the movie? Huh?"

He looked at the little guy in front of him who was so embarrassed and didn't know how to answer, and continued to whisper in her ear; "At that time, my brother thought that such a picture is so beautiful. Baby, right?"

As if knowing that she would not answer, and did not give her a chance to answer, he continued to seduce: "Xinxin, stick out your little tongue, okay?"

He looked expectantly at the little man struggling with frowning brows, even his little lips trembled.

Xinxin looked at Tianlei's enthusiastic gaze, although she was very shy, she also felt that the scene was very beautiful. Under his enthusiastic gaze, she poked out the tip of her tongue slightly. His cunning tongue immediately wrapped around his shy little tongue, not giving her a chance to flinch. He put his arms around her waist and turned slightly. Her smooth lotus arms wrapped around his neck, his tongue wrapped around her uvula, lingering in the air, the traces of crystal clear saliva, like strings of pearls, danced with the wind like silk threads in the air of emotion . The two tongues sometimes tease and play with each other, and sometimes they are tightly entwined like Siamese twins. The tip of his tongue lightly touched hers, and suddenly, it was tightly wrapped around her whole uvula like a twist, wishing to suck it all in.

His eyes were dark again, her eyes were still hesitant to speak, he was talking about his domineering and affectionate, she was releasing her own innocence and charm, both of them opened their eyes, feeling each other's fascination, they exchanged each other The nectar in the mouth, staged the inseparable inseparability of a loving man and a woman.

As if for a century, the tongues of the two parted in a gesture of incomparable attachment. The tips of each other's tongues lightly touched each other, telling the story of parting.

She leaned her strength on his body and hugged his neck tightly, like mandarin ducks crossing their necks, savoring the aftertaste of the soul-stirring kiss.

The Heaven really bestowed on him a good treasure, and he will fill in the beautiful picture scroll on the pure white paper stroke by stroke. She always expresses her emotions directly, and she believes that she will be a passionate little baby in the future, and he looks forward to his continued digging.

The summer afternoon seemed very dry, and the cicadas on the trees interpreted their lives hoarsely. The sound of guzheng flowing out of the villa is like a ray of breeze in summer, and a spring in the desert brings a touch of vitality to the restless afternoon.

Tianlei leaned on the sofa, looked at Xinxin immersed in his own realm, and suddenly thought of those four ancient poems:

Cloud bun fluttering Xiao green,

The flowers are beautiful and red,

Eyes cut autumn water,

Finger Peeled Spring Onions

Her hands that plucked the strings seemed to be playing on his heart. He was watching with all his attention, fearing that he would miss a little bit of beauty.

The exciting voice composes himself tightly, and his heart is also tangled. He can easily recognize that it is the song that describes the tragedy of Bao Dai's love. , but her baby is not suitable for playing such sad music, her future life should only belong to happiness. Looking at Xinxin who was immersed in his own emotional world and frowning, he really wanted to stretch out his hands to smooth it. He did the same, walking behind her and placing his big hands on her shoulders. Feeling his strength, she opened her eyes, and his wandering thoughts were also called back by him. It was still the same piece of music, but the strength he pressed on his shoulders brought out a different kind of emotion from the original sad and gripping piece. At the end of the song, she played the phrase "If there is no romance, I will meet him again in this life", telling their fate.

After playing a song, he bent down and leaned his head on her left shoulder, stroked the loose blue hair with his right hand, and wrapped his left hand around the charming thin neck, silently expressing his emotion and support for her. She felt the message from him, the arms of those catkins clutching his arms. The two stood in this posture for a long time.

The cicadas seemed to be tired too, and stopped singing. A ray of breeze danced in the summer sky, and the fragrance of jasmine from the garden permeated the room, telling its flower language—steadfast love.

- Extracting MTL from raw by Du Xian'er (Poison❀Fairy) -

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