Quick time travel: The Vicious Female Supporting Role is Exiled for Redemption Chapter 1

Chapter 1 World 1: The beautiful wife who ran with the ball took the initiative to send the birth inspection form (1)

"What are you doing! I protest!"

Su Zheng went crazy when she heard the verdict!

The system cube that followed Su Zheng through the three thousand worlds floated aside and said anxiously: "Host host, don't fight hard with those AI judges! You will really die!"

Its host has always competed for business like a perfect civil servant. Originally, the system thought its host was a temperless and weak host, but now it is found that it is not at all!

Ah no no no, that's not the point! The point is that it must prevent the host from making a fuss in court, or he will be sentenced to a heavier sentence!

Su Zheng turned his head and said angrily: "Fuck it hard! My mother is fighting for her own rights!"

A mechanical voice sounded: "Please pay attention to your words in court."

In the pure white space where the sky, earth, and circle were invisible, she was suppressed by an inexplicable force and knelt down on the ground. Ignoring the dissuasion around her, she raised her head angrily and said, "My old lady accepted your proposal at the beginning, and changed tasks for you." A chance for rebirth! It is too much to unilaterally tear up the contract, and now you want to sentence me to exile?"

What's more, her death was also caused by the "experimental error" of the group of the highest intelligent beings who claim to come from the interstellar space of the universe!

how? She deserves to be unlucky, doesn't she? If you are unlucky once, you will be unlucky again!

"The judgment of the court will not be wrong." The mechanical voice above said coldly: "Although you played the role of hurting others based on the so-called mission, but hurting others is hurting, and you have no excuse for this responsibility."

"Protest!" Su Zheng was so angry that he almost threw away all his previous upbringing: "At the beginning, you told me that I went to the small world to repair the story system and improve the data. At that time, you said that the people in it were all There is no material of life, and there is no existence of a soul, and we signed a contract at the beginning──”

Before Su Zheng finished speaking, the voice above seemed to be noisy, and then a gentle female voice changed: "I agree that the contract worker Su Zheng did the task without knowing it, and should be given a lighter sentence. "

Su Zheng reacted immediately, and continued: "Protest! I claim my innocence!"

"I also think you should be innocent." The gentle female voice said unhurriedly: "But in the world where you performed the mission, some characters in the world have awakened self-awareness and become carriers with souls. Based on the laws of the universe- ─That is what most of you call reincarnation, you still have to be punished.”

Su Zheng still asked stubbornly: "Why?"

"Don't worry, this kind of punishment is just a formality—fortunately, there are not many awakened soul carriers, you just need to mend the relationship between characters based on the past progress."

The female voice comforted Su Zheng's emotions. Her voice seemed to be full of energy, making Su Zheng feel drowsy at this moment, and even her emotions were much calmer: "What does this mean?"

The system, which could not see the entity, said cautiously: "Probably it means to appease the objects that the host has hurt, that is, atonement."

"That's right." The female voice continued unhurriedly: "In order to make up for StarCraft's homework mistakes, we will help you as much as possible, and at the same time, the system that follows you will continue to be used."

"And what about my original body?"

"Don't worry, after you complete... the task of redemption, we will put your soul back at the right time point and give you corresponding compensation──You know, time is just a unit of rotation and displacement of the universe, not irreversible .”

After the female voice finished speaking, a series of information appeared in Su Zheng's mind, which was the compensation Xingji was going to give her.

All the wealth and any material equipment that she can think of or can't think of will be handed over to her one after another in an inconspicuous manner within five years, and her body will be restored to the healthiest state and she can live a long life.

Su Zheng pondered for a while in her heart, thinking that the contract she signed originally was just to escape from that inexplicable death and wake up, and there was nothing else at all. Now it seems that she will not suffer from accepting this task again...even earn?

Thinking of how long ago, in order to revive her life, she played the vicious female supporting role in various worlds tremblingly. From the beginning, she was disgusted with herself until she became insensitive later. For her now, it seems that such an extra finishing work It's nothing.

At least not to exile her soul into the boundless universe alone for thousands of years.

"...Okay, I agree."

When Su Zheng said it, the contract that flashed in her mind immediately covered her handprint and name, and a strange light suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, leading her into one of the small worlds— ─

"vomit vomit──"

As soon as Su Zheng entered the target's body, she felt her stomach churning. Fortunately, the space she was in seemed to be a hotel suite, so she was able to rush to the toilet and vomit wildly while holding on to the toilet.

She was dizzy from vomiting, her eyes turned white, and she subconsciously touched her stomach as if she had been forced to drink a glass of wine not long ago. Tears and nose flowed together, which made her look so embarrassing now.

After all, Su Zheng was an experienced traveler before, and while vomiting, he still had enough time to call in his mind to the system that was allowed to continue to follow him without being destroyed by the so-called highest intelligent life in the interstellar world and asked, "Ah Tong, where is this? What's going on now?"

The system has cooperated with Su Zheng for a long time, and immediately released the information she wants to know in the order Su Zheng is used to: "This is the first world that you have previously conquered, the host, and it is also the shortest and easiest one after entering the mission line, only two days. Now Only three months have passed since the host left in that world, and you, the host, are taking refuge in a hotel."

Su Zheng has experienced too many worlds. If the system simply introduced to her which world she was in, she might not be able to remember it, but the first world she experienced was quite special to her, so she was still very fast. remembered.

That was the first time she took on the task of the role of "Vicious Female Supporting Woman". Her superiors gave her a buffer in a step-by-step manner, so the task she received was very simple. She didn't need to frame anyone in it, as long as she hindered The man who was drugged met his fiancee in name, and then the raw rice and cooked rice would be fine.

The reason why Suzheng agreed to the task was that her party A said that they wrote a lot of fictional reality game scripts and needed to test system data. Everything in the script naturally revolves around the protagonist, and the villain is the most likely to affect their emotional data. objects, so Su Zheng always played that role as the tester.

Whether this is a story with a single protagonist or a dual protagonist, as a stumbling block for the protagonist to walk on the plot line, they will always be the group that can most make the characters in the story or the audience emotionally ups and downs.

"The information received by Tong shows that the world continues after the host leaves, and the host's body has also copied and simulated life according to the host's consciousness for three months, but later the hero awakened his self-awareness for some reason, so The world was forced to pause."

Su Zheng took out the toilet paper and wiped the corners of his mouth, and asked, "The hero in this world is suspended because of the awakening of consciousness, what about other worlds that awaken self-awareness?"

"In order to avoid confusion, the time and space of those characters with awakened self-awareness are also frozen." The system hastily added: "Host, because of the relationship set by the program, this time the task has eliminated the time and space without awakened self-awareness, or Proceed in accordance with the order of the worlds that the host has previously conquered."

This is what the system suggested to the people above based on the host's emotional data! The system felt that when the host was in a better mood, he would start claiming credit.

"System, I heard what you said in your heart."

"...Oh, oh, good host."

- Extracting MTL from raw by Du Xian'er (Poison❀Fairy) -

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